Everyone's story starts somewhere... I'll spare you about the first 20 years of mine! My main focus of this blog is going to be to talk all things Nursing..as in registered nursing, vocational nursing, advanced practice nursing, etc. I have been a registered nurse for 11+ years...more on that to come. I love being a nurse, and I love other nurses. With that being said, our happy little nursing worlds have been a little rocked the past couple of years! It has challenged us to continue in the fight we felt called to in the beginning despite being stripped of many of the built in supports we were accustomed to when we started our nursing endeavors. I hope this can be a safe place for us to connect and rebuild some of those supports in new, creative ways! Discussion is open, but will only be tolerated if done respectfully! I feel extremely privileged to be a nurse and have an opportunity to share the stories so many of us have experienced! Thanks for joining me!
In the beginning...
Updated: Nov 5, 2023